I am in the middle of reading Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean. I am finding this book utterly fascinating. The author describes the conditions of Jews and the overall political climate immediately after the expulsion from Spain and goes from there. I didn't realize that the Inquisition travelled to Spanish territories. The Spanish were not content to expel the Jews, they also retained claim to those expelled citizens so that they could continue to persecute them (particularly Conversos who later left Spain in search of better conditions). Oy.
I am currently reading the chapter on Jamaica. Originally, Jamaica was held entirely by the descendants of Columbus (who knew? -- I mean, besides Rabbi Larry???) and they were friendly to Conversos on the Island. When a new governor tried to bring Jamaica back into the Spanish fold so as to bring the Inquisition to its shores, the Jews of Jamaica secretly corresponded with the English to encourage an invasion. I am not finished the chapter yet, but am having fun!
On another note, in my typical type A fashion, the bags are all packed and ready to go -- we only need to pack on carry on luggage. I tried to get it all into three big suitcases, but I am bringing food for Keithen and so needed to succumb to the need to pack a fourth with the food I am bringing along to get us started. I can't believe that, G-d willing, my feet will finally touch Eretz Israel for the first time in 8 more days!
We'll be in touch again soon,
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